LoVelli is a wonderful new online boutique! Started by Deyanira, this boutique provides women and children adorable products. They pride themselves in supporting organic and/or hand-made products. Check out their amazing selection here:

Deyanira and LoVelli have been so generous as to sponsor a giveaway for a $20 gift certificate to LoVelli! This is so exciting! You get to pick your own prize!
Not only that, she has been generous to offer ALL Mod Mom Shops readers her insider specials, which are as follows:
*Free Lip Balm with ANY order
*Free Holiday Card & Lip Balm on any order over $30
*Free Shipping on any order over $50
*Free Shipping, Holiday Card & Chicago Honey Co-Op Lip Balm on orders over $75
*Free Shipping & Pocket Mirror on any order over $100
For offers, order must be placed via email:

A $20 gift certificate for the LoVelli boutique!
Visit the LoVelli boutique, Viewable HERE, and post the following in a comment to this post:
1) What is your favorite item in the LoVelli boutique?
Please be sure to leave an email address (if not in your profile) so I can contact you if you are the winner.
EXTRA ENTRIES - For each of the following you will be given one extra entry in the contest
*Blog about this giveaway and post a link in the comments of this post.
*Subscribe to the Mod Mom Shops blog RSS feed. Leave a comment on this post indicating that you have done so.
*Subscribe to receive updates from Mod Mom Shops via email. Leave a comment on this post indicating that you have done so.
*Add my blog banner (found HERE) and link to Mod Mom Shops on your blog. Leave a comment on this post indicating that you have done so.
*Friend Mod Mom on Facebook (I am user name Holly B Neitzel). Leave a comment on this post indicating that you have done so.
*Sign up for the LoVelli Newsletter, via a guestbook signature, (found HERE). Leave a comment on this post indicating that you have done so.
*Sign up to receive updates from the LoVelli blog via email (found HERE). Leave a comment on this post indicating that you have done so.
END TIME - This giveaway ends on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 9:00pm PST.
WHO CAN ENTER - Anyone with a valid email address (will be notified this way) and a valid mailing address.
PICKING WINNER - Each entry will be assigned a number. After the contest is closed, a number will be randomly generated. The entry associated with that number will be the winner! If I do not hear back from the winner within 5 days of notification, a new winner will be drawn.
WINNER NOTIFICATION - The winner will be notified via email within 24 hours of contest end, as well as, a post here on the blog.
SO, Good luck!
I love the Mikado Flowers could work as a mini diaper bag. I'm packing so much more around with two. I love what you're doing, Holly!
Jessica (
The pink pedicure socks are wild! I totally need those!
I love the Daisy Love T-shirt!!
andraya3 at yahoo dot com
And I'm subscribed to your feed!
I like their kid's tees, particularly the Respect your Mother design.
Milan SaraBeak
Diaper Caddie
One of my favorites is the there is love gift set.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
i'm an e-mail subscriber
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I like the Daisy Love T-shirt by butterfly maidens.
I like the kuta wood necklace best!
I love the Flower Child Tee! So cute!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
i love the little girl's red dress.
i signed up for the lovelli newsletter.
i signed up for the lovelli blog updates.
I really love the Safari gift set. That is a really nice set. Thank you!
judybrittle at aol dot com
I'm subsribed to your feed.
I'm subscribed by email.
i'd pick these:
White Zircon Earrings
by Jewelers of the Trade
-- beautiful and great price!
autumn398 (at)
Love the music playing, puts me in the mood for Christmas!
I like the collection of birthday cards especially the Fairy Dust wishes....cute!
The pink pedicure socks look very comfy for chilly feet.
I like the Monkey See Organic Onesie.
I love the wren organic onesie! I wish my little girl was still small enough to wear it! babiesgottahaveit(at)gmail(dot)com
The Soylicious Candle in Aloe Yogurt!
Subscribed in Yahoo Reader
I really like the Daisy Love T-shirt. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the black asian long wallet!
Red Mocca Long Wallet is my favorite.
subscribed via feed
subscribed via email
I love the Pink Cotton Sundress by Louise Felice.
I subscribed to your feed.
I subscribed via email.
EVERYTHING!!!! : ))) But, I especially love the Daisy Love Onesie Set. Sooooo perfect for my darling goddaughter!: )))
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
You'll love that I'm a subscriber to your AMAZING BLOG via GOOGLE READER.
I'm also a subscriber to your AMAZING BLOG via e~mail.
I just signed up for the LoVelli Newsletter via my guestbook signature.
And, I just signed up to receive updates from the LoVelli blog via email.
Thanks again! : )))
I really like the Safari gift set!!
Daisy Love Onesie (Set) by butterfly maidens would make a cute gift
Love the Eco-Friendly Re-usable Shopping Bags-Retro Bag.
I'm subscribed to you rss feed via google
I also signed up for the LoVelli newsletterc
added you on Facebook (Michelle Hudak)
i like the daisy love tshirt.
I would get the Eco-Friendly Re-usable Shopping Bags in Bamboo Leaves and 3 different PinUp Girl lip balms.
There are some darling t-shirts there!
I love their reusable shopping bags. My favorite- Mikado Red Flowers
I like the Daisy Love Onesie with matching hat.
I subscribed via email
BatheMe Coconut Milk Bath is what I would want
I'm a subscriber via e-mail
I signed your guestbook
I subscribed for LoVelli's updates via e-mail
My favorite two are the ones I would select if I won: Resin Pendant Necklace and MultiColor Bracelet. There are lots of beautiful things on this site.
I love the "Pamper Me Sweet" Gift Set as something I would get for myself and the kids Tshirts are awesome!
I love the Sand & Dark Knight Bag.
I love the Honey Body Scrub!
bunnybx at gmail . com
I subscribe to RSS feed
tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
My favorite is the Shell & Bead Necklace. Thanks for a great giveaway.
tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
I have 2 favorites:
1)The "Juhi Tote" in either the natural or pink would be just fine.
2)The "Honey Bear Candle " is so adorable I would never burn it.
And best part of all, I could buy
both of these if I won :)
the Mikado Flowers tote
I love the eco friendly reusable shopping bags in retro. So cute.
BatheMe Coconut Milk Bath sounds great.
I'm a sucker for candles so my favorite item(s) are the Lavender Aromatherapy Votives! Mmmmm!!
I'm a subscriber!!!
One of my faves is the Dream Paradise Garden tee by boodabrand.
I love all of the tote bags-really pretty designs!
I will make a difference shirt!
i like the PinUp Lip Balms in all the yummy flavors!
I love the Daisy Love T-Shirt by butterfly maidens. Thanks!
I heart BatheMe Coconut Milk Bath.
I'd love the daisy love t-shirt.
i love the Cozy Home Candle w/ Glass Votive
I love the pink pedicure socks!!
I love the Birdie Organic Onesie - so sweet! What a fun on-line shop! Thanks!
My favorite is the Rock Star tee!
jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net
I would use the gift certificate for a Plumeria Flower Beeswax Absorbing Lotion and an Eco-Friendly Re-usable Shopping Bagsdesigned by Envirosax. Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter & dream about these wonderful items. Happy Holidays!
I'd get the Aloe Yogurt candle! Thanks.
allmycrazycats AT
The Kuta Wood necklace is my fave.
The Bright Flowers Paper Earrings are cute.
I like the Pamper Me Sweet Gift Set.This would make a great gift too.Please enter me and thanks
for the giveaway
I love the Mikado Flowers Eco-Friendly Re-usable Shopping Bags.
Wonderful blog and contest! Thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
Daisy Love T-Shirt by butterfly maidens would be great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the Mikado Red Flowers Envirosax.
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